When is my wedding

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I GOT THE JOB I INTERVIEWED FOR ON MONDAY!!!!!!!! Granted, it is a temporary job but that's fine with me!!!! A job is a job, even if it is a temporary one. Majorly HUGE shoutout to Terri over at El-Twirpo for giving me the heads up about this. Like I said Terri, I am your cheerleader for life now. I owe you bigtime!!! I start next Wednesday and let me tell you, I have never been so excited to dress up for a job. =)

In wedding news, I finished putting laying out our memory table poem (the poem is courtesy of Jillers and then adding our little 'flourish' to the design and then DONE! I'm debating on how big I'm going to make it. 5x7?

I didn't do my cardio workout yet this week. Which means that I HAVE to do it tomorrow, Thursday AND Friday. I am debating on going running Saturday morning instead of Friday but my friend's wedding is on Saturday. So I don't know how productive I will be on Saturday. haha

Ok, enough rambling. I'm so tired and its not even 11pm. I feel old today. =(


shannon said...

wow!!!!! congrats to you with the job... such a sign of relief, I'm sure. Congrats a million!

Now send some of that good luck to my unemployed husband. We need some luck, pronto!!!

Again, congrats to you!

carli said...

Awesome, Selina!!! SO happy for you. ;)


Victoria said...


if you want to work out Saturday a.m., I'll be at boot camp at 9:30 on town lake :)

Terri said...

yay! we'll get to hang out. fun times.

Trish Finfer said...

I know I already told you, but congrats!!!!! And if you're old then I am a dinosaur, so shut the hell up!