So I have decided that I'm going to be a 2 shoe bride. I *heart* shoes. But there are oh so many to choose from! For the ceremony, I will have gold heels and for the reception, I will have HOT PINK heels. =)
Choice 1: Gorgeous Aldo 'Ingels'
Choice 2: Aldo 'Fripent'Can you tell I'm obsessed with Aldo? =) And those are just 2 of the shoes that I found that I like. But I gotta figure out what heel height I need for my little wedding dress. Now pink shoes, those are harder to find. Maybe I'm to picky. I'll probably have to wait to start searching the spring lines before I find anything I really love.
If I could afford these, I would buy these. Sorry, the way Amazon set up that pic, it wouldn't let me steal the pic. Laaaame. Anyone have any good suggestions for places to find cute pink shoes?
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
2 Shoe Bride
Posted by Princess Selina at 7:39 AM 7 comments
Monday, December 29, 2008
Yay Ebay! Boo Things Remembered!
So Ryan ordered our cake serving set off Ebay last week and it got here today! YAY! It is the Anastasia cake serving set from Things Remembered and we got it for a kick ass price.
Now why would I boo Things Remembered so you ask? Simple answer. Because they are not carrying the matching toasting flutes on their website anymore. I called the store in Barton and the girl was an idiot. Her response was 'We have toasting flutes for that set?' Uhhhhhhhh...loser. Then I called the store in Highland. After dealing with the girl (she sounded upset that I didn't have a sku # for it...well if the product was on the website, I wouldn't need a sku # now would I?), she proceeded to tell me that she did have some left in the store. Then she told me that they are $60.00...are you fucking kidding me? And that's not even engraved. C'mon Ebay, you gotta save me! So if anyone see the Things Remembered Anastasia Toasting Flutes set, please please please email/call/txt/page/holla at me asap. It's a set that Ryan and I both like and I would really like the flutes to match the cake set we just got. Ok, done venting.
Posted by Princess Selina at 5:02 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Love It
A little late but Merry Christmas! Santa/Ryan brought me something that I really wanted. NEW COOKBOOKS! My love of cooking has been rekindled. The no job thing has been making me lazy and lame. But I was flipping through these two beautiful new books and they are going to be filled with Post It flags in the next few days. I can't wait to try them out. For Christmas Eve, Ryan and I ventured to Waelder to spend time with his family. It was fun. His dad made brisket and all I can say is DAMN. It was soooooooo good. He made a whole freakin' brisket for us to bring back to my family. I couldn't believe it. mmmmmm I'm drooling just thinking about it. Then we came back early on Christmas morning to spend it with my family here in Austin. Good times, great food, awesome desserts...mmmmm.
Today we took the fur babies to Red Bud Isle. It was awesome. We were worried that the weather was going to be crappy b/c it was windy/drizzling/'cold' in P-ville but we took a chance and went anyways. I'm so glad we did. Blue skies all around at Red Bud. Ratchet was sooo excited to be back and able to run around leash-less. He didn't really get in the water this time, probably bc it was a little cooler than what he is used to. Miss Dakota did very well for her first dog park experience. Ryan and I took her to the back of Red Bud so that there wasn't any real way she could run off with the isle being surrounded by water. She did sooo well. At one point, she wandered off with a group of people heading to their cars and did not listen to Ryan at all when he called her. But what made it even funnier is when she tried to do it again and I called her, she turned her furry butt around and came back. I guess that's what happens when you spend so much time with them at home, they know which tone of voice means business. haha. So I guess another trip down there will be put on the calendar when the weather is nice. Anyone wanna join for a doggy play date?
Posted by Princess Selina at 9:34 PM 1 comments
Labels: Big Dub, Familia, Fur Babies, Happiness, Recap, Wants
Monday, December 22, 2008
Weekend Recap
I really need to update more often. Weekend recaps start getting to be way to long...
Friday: As I said below, I didn't get the UT job. Needless to say, I was pretty tore up about it. So when Ryan got home, he saw that I was not a happy camper. So to make me feel better, he took me to Cici's Pizza so I could eat my weight in pizza. Yea, that totally helped. I'm an emotional eater sometimes so buffet of carbs & cheese made me feel loads better. Then we came home, and drank Dos XX's.
Saturday: Went to the RR Outlets to get more dog food for the furr babies. That Petsense place has their food cheaper than Petsmart, which is really helpful when Dakota goes through a bag of food a month...heffer. Then our little family ventured to my parents house to celebrate my brother's 22nd birthday. My brothers & I were also scheming what to get my parents for Christmas...I think we figured it out.
Sunday: POWER SHOPPING! Ryan and I made a list, checked it twice and then off we went to do our totally last minute Christmas shopping. We pretty much finished in 3 hours and also put in extra stops for us i.e. Michael's since I had a 50% off coupon. I ended up buying this fun little gadget for when it's time to do the wedding invitations:So I'm excited. You should be too. The only people's gifts that are left to be purchased are my Dad's and Ryan's. I guess being at home has its perks. I can venture out during the day to finish my shopping and have the gifts wrapped up by the time he gets home. haha. Oh, and we met the wonderful Linda for dinner last night at Luby's. It was awesome. Haven't seen her in AGES.
Awww my 2 favorite people: Lily aka The Short One & Linda aka My Favorite Asian =)
Posted by Princess Selina at 8:00 AM 2 comments
Friday, December 19, 2008
Selina- 0
Didn't get the job at UT I applied for. No word on the other. Time to drown my sorrows in Dos X's. Could you pass the lime & salt please.....
Posted by Princess Selina at 8:37 PM 2 comments
My phone & I are BFF's today. We just can't leave each others side. Today is the supposed day that I was going to hear back from the 2 jobs I interviewed for this week & last. OMG my phone needs to ring.....
Posted by Princess Selina at 10:42 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Stupid dog
So while I was at lunch/wedding shopping with Jill, Dakota decided that it would be suuuper cool to play with a bottle of wood glue all over the bedroom. Yup, all over the comforter, the floor and my NEW PINK SWEATER! Soooooo pissed. ;alisdjfoihwiaeiofgjwakhsdfkjhsdaf
I have attempted to remove the glue from my sweater & put it in the wash, cleaned up as much of the WOOD glue that is on the WOOD laminate floors & next I will try to save the comforter. Dakota, meanwhile, is in her crate and I am 95% sure that she knows she fucked up. Good.
Oh, she also found velcro, took it apart and decided that it was cool to have it spread out downstairs and upstairs and also found a bar of soap. I don't think she likes the taste of soap....
Posted by Princess Selina at 3:23 PM 2 comments
Labels: Fur Babies
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
So the following was borrowed from Terri's blog. I don't usually do the end of the year 'let's see what I did right and where I failed miserably' types of things but I think this year is an especially good year to start.
a year in review
1. What did you do in 2008 that you’d never done before? Got engaged. =)
2. Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I don't really do New Years resolutions anymore. I do New Years goals. It's easier to set goals than to keep resolutions. But I will have to say that I didn't really reach my goal (which was the typical work out more blah blah blah). I will say that I have become more conscious about what I eat and have started working out more than I did before. And I'll probably keep the same goal for next year.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth? Someone super close? Oh, my cousin did! Little baby Angelina. She's precious. A few of Ryan's cousin's also had babies this year.
4. Did anyone close to you die? Grandma. *Tears*
5. What countries did you visit? Let's check the 'None' box.
6. What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008? A job. More motivation to get in shape.
7. What date from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? 4.27.08 Ryan proposed on this date and it was our 5 year dating anniversary.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? Getting the house. I sometimes still can't believe that this is OUR house! It's still very surreal.
9. What was your biggest failure? Not getting in shape. Losing my job. I know it was part of massive layoffs but still, it doesn't keep me from thinking about what I could have done differently. (and let's not go into the fact that they called me a month later, after I had gotten over being laid off mind you, and said that it was an 'oversight' and that I should never have been let go. yea, i smell bullshit)
10. Did you suffer illness or injury? Had a few colds. Started getting allergies too. That was an interesting experience. And one that I am def. not a fan of.
11. What was the best thing you bought? My wedding dress. It's probably the biggest purchase I will ever make. And it's beautiful. I didn't really buy many new clothes in the past year. At least none that I am like 'omg that was so awesome I got that'.
12. Whose behavior merited celebration? Ryan's. Always and forever. He has been sooo amazing throughout this whole unemployment process & with actually helping me plan the wedding. He deserves a reward and a prize sometimes for putting up with me. I know I can be a handfull. Especially when I'm in a pissy mood or when I'm acting like a child. (Shut up, it takes a lot to admit that you were actin' a fool)
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? My ex-employer. And a few others but they aren't worth my time to be named.
14. Where did most of your money go? The house for sure. Pretty much all the money went to the house. Then probably groceries/bills. And now wedding.
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about? Do I really have to say it again? The wedding! Ryan proposing! Planning this wedding has so far been one of the most exciting experiences. Especially since Ryan is a groom that enjoys helping me and planning things too!
16. What song will always remind you of 2008? I have no idea.
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder? Very much happier. I'm on a high right now have having 2 Gold Star Weeks in a row. And even with the loss of my job, I am so much happier now. Last year at this time I was waiting for final grades to be posted and stressed about school and getting a job and all that.
ii. thinner or fatter? I dunno. Maybe the same? I would love to say thinner but I just don't know. The scale and I are not friends right now.
iii. richer or poorer? hahahahhaha def. poorer. I mean, I have savings but no spending money. Yay student loans and mortgage payments!
18. What do you wish you’d done more of? spent more time with certain friends.
19. What do you wish you’d done less of? Put up with bullshit from certain people. Maybe had gone out to eat less so I could have saved more money.
20. How will you be spending Christmas? Christmas Eve will be in Waeldar with Ryan's family and then we will come back to Austin on Christmas day and spend it with my familia.
21. How will you be ringing in the New Year? No idea. Ryan & I are toying with the idea of having a New Years party but we really have no idea who would come. Wanna join us?
22. Did you fall in love in 2008? Yes, every single day. Especially now though this whole roller coaster time.
23. Who was your hero? Ryan.
24. What was your favorite TV program? Dancing with the stars, gossip girl, CSI: NY
25. What was something you needed to do and didn’t get around to? hmmm...I have no idea. There is always a ton of stuff I want/need to do and don't do it. I should start a list and put it on the fridge...
26. What was the best book you read? I really liked the Twilight series, The Other Boleyn Girl and I'm sure a ton of others that I can't remember.
27. What was your greatest musical discovery? Julieta Venegas, Alejando Fernandez
28. What did you want and get? And engagement ring. The most perfect ring EVER!
29. What did you want and not get? I'm with Terri on this one and have to say a new car. Not necessarily new but new to me. Ryan and I were starting to research cars etc until I got canned so that went down the toilet.
30. What was your favorite film of this year? I'm a total loser. I don't even remember any of the movies I saw in 2008. Did I even see any new movies? omg
31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? I turned 24 this year and a group of friends joined me for dinner at Buca di Beppo. Then we spend the night drinking and dancing away at Cuba Libre. It was so much fun.
32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? I'm not really sure. I know having a job would make my year extremely more satisfying but everything happens for a reason, right? 2008 has already been pretty sweet.
33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008? Jeans and a cute top I guess. But I love jeans and tshirt times. I guess I should revamp that.
34. What kept you sane? Reading books that weren't for school! And playing with the Ratchito (and now with Dakota also).
35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? I have no idea.
36. What political issue stirred you the most? Oh goodness. Where do I start. All the insanity with gay marriage. I mean, seriously? You can't help who you fall in love with and last I heard, we are all human beings. And this bailout crap. all of it. From the financial markets to the auto industry. It all makes the future look very bleak.
37. Who did you miss? Ryan. And Grandma.
38. Who was the best new person you met? Esther. She is one of the most real ppl I know. I love her to death.
39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008: Don't sweat the small stuff. Real friends stick with you through everything.
40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year: Everyone is going to think I'm such a nerd but the song I have been loving is a Taylor Swift song. "You be the prince and I'll be the princess. It's a love story, baby just say yes."
Posted by Princess Selina at 11:21 AM 1 comments
Sunday, December 14, 2008
This weekend was pretty badass. Let's recap.
Meet my old boss and one of my bridesmaids for lunch. It was totally fun. Had food from The Spicy Pickle for lunch. I had the best Spinach salad. I also recommend the Roma Panini. =) Then I went to visit with Victoria and her 3 awesome little boys. They are just to cute for words!
Oh what an amazing day. I woke up not in a good mood on Saturday and was being stubborn and didn't want to do anything. Well, Ryan convinced me that we should still go do the errands that we had planned on Saturday. The errands consisted of going to look at wedding bands at Samuels and stop at Old Navy to look for sweaters for our engagement pictures. So off we went to Samuels. Of course Greg was there. He was the one that helped Ryan pic out my engagement ring. He is so awesome. Remembered my ring, was just extremely helpful. Well, we ended up finding the wedding bands for both of us. A trip that was just going to be for looking turned into a trip where we found exactly what we wanted!! I LOVE my wedding band. It fits perfect and looks amazing with my ring. I keep wanting to be sneaky and look at it b/c I love it so much. Earlier in the week Ryan & I had gone to Helzberg in the mall and saw a pretty wedding band for me but it was one that I just liked, not loved. The salesgirl also put me off too. She was so pushy with her 'what if it isn't here anymore' and 'you should just go ahead and get it' comments. It's a lot of money! I'm not going to drop more money unless I love what I'm getting. Ok, off topic. Anyways, Ryan also found a wedding band at Samuels that he really liked (since boys will never admit that they 'love' jewelry..haha j/k). His is a titanium wedding band. It is pretty freaking awesome. So after that fun stop, we went to Old Navy. Ryan ended up buying a really nice sweater. Unfortunetly, they did not have my size in the hot pink sweater I wanted. So off we went. To keep the happy momentum going, we stopped at Mighty Fine Burger. O.M.G. I always love their burgers but this burger was by far the best. White (aka Mayo) Jr. Cheeseburger with lettuce, tomato & grilled onions. Holy crap. If you have not had Mighty Fine, then get your butt over there and get some! I will say it's a little more than I usually would like to spend on a burger but when it's that good, I do not care. =) Oh yea, and try the chocolate milkshake. mmmmmmmmmm
After stuffing our faces, we went back towards Pville & decided to stop at the Old Navy in La Frontera to see if maaaaaaaaybe (by some small chance) they had the hot pink sweater I wanted. And THEY DID! Score! After that, Ryan and I scurried home to take a nap (well, I napped, he played video games). Then we quit goofing around, got ready and headed to the southside of ATX for Diana's graduation party. OMG it was a great party. Good food, great friends, free booze, and lots of spanish music. Ryan and I were cumbia dancing all night. (Note: everyone coming to our wedding better learn to love the spanish music..dancing will be required)
ENGAGEMENT PICTURES!!!!!!! We met Carli on campus about 8:30 to take our engagement pictures and it was so much fun. We took pictures for 2 hours!!! In front of the Union, the Tower, Littlefield Fountain, the Business School, Sanchez, the Blanton & the big ass star in front of the Bob Bullock Museum. And then Ryan and I had brunch at Einstein's after our session. =)
So this weekend was awesome. AND I have an interview tomorrow too. So wish me luck on that one. =)
Posted by Princess Selina at 7:13 PM 2 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Random thought
Don't ask me why but I was thinking about wedding flowers. Probably b/c I was checking out this link and I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE the bride's bouquet (thanks Jillers for posting that site on the message board). I am so in love with the pink and orange. But my colors are chocolate brown, pink & green, not orange. Which leads me to the question of the night. How can I possibly decide what I like when I can't find picture combinations of the types of flowers I want on anyones website or from Google??? As of now, my bouquet/flower theme will consist of stargazer lilies, hot pink roses, and pink and/or white gerbers. There is no question that the roses will now be a fixture in the wedding flowers, even if its just in my bouquet (history: my grandmother passed away this summer and I learned that she LOVED roses, thus there will be roses in honor of her). Ugh, I am not a fan of the flowers question right now. Especially since they cost so much! I mean really?? They die! I loooove flowers but I just can't believe some of the insane prices I keep hearing from other friends that are getting/have gotten married. Ok, to much thinking for almost midnight. Done.
Posted by Princess Selina at 11:31 PM 0 comments
Gold Star Week
So far, this week has been a gold star week. Got my dress on Sunday, had an actual interview on Tuesday (cross your fingers), it snowed Tuesday night, phone interview today, possibly going to visit Victoria (if I can get my butt in gear), Diana's grad party on Saturday and then ENGAGEMENT PICS on Sunday.
Ryan and I also made an executive decision for our wedding. We are going to nix the hiring of a DJ and go with DJ iPod. At this point of the financial situation, that's money we can use for other things. We have also decided that we are going to talk to our photog about changing my bridal pics session to become more of a 'yay we're married' session after the wedding. I would rather have pictures with Ryan than just with me in them. And it would save the money of having hair/makeup/bouquet/dress cleaning done before the wedding. And I'm all about saving the money right now.
Our wedding website is coming along soooo well! Ryan is so awesome at this website stuff. I barely remember any HTML from back in the high school days.
OMG this week is awesome.
Posted by Princess Selina at 10:53 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Pictures Pictures Pictures
So I have finally gotten around to downloading pictures that were held hostage on my camera.
Pics from Waelder, TX (Big Dub!! What What!)
Ryan =)Cynthia & I
Vic & I @ Marco's birthday party
A few pics from the holiday party.....
Awww...Ryan and ISelina & Selena
The crew actin' a fool...
AND SNOW! Oh, and my furr babies. =)
Posted by Princess Selina at 9:53 AM 1 comments
Labels: Big Dub, Familia, Fur Babies, Happiness
Holy crap it's SNOWING in Pville. Dakota was confused. Ratchet was not having any part of it. Pampered dog. Back to snuggling in my blankets. More fun updates later.
Posted by Princess Selina at 12:03 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 7, 2008
So I'm sure everyone is tired of reading about wedding stuff but I don't really care. A HUGE amazing thing got checked off the list today and that was picking up my WEDDING DRESS!!!!!! OMG. It's even more amazing than I remembered. Backtracking, when I first got the dress, I had wondered if I had rushed into the purchase. But even when I was looking and trying on other dresses, my mind would still wander back to this particular one. Well, all doubts were driven away this afternoon when I tried on MY dress for the first time. It's even more gorgeous than I remember. And it's sitting pretty in one of our closets here at the house. I told Ryan that he better not even think about going in there or there will be hell to pay. =) I know he'll listen. Now it's time to find a seamstress to make a bustle. YAY. Having my dress now makes the wedding seem more real! And it makes me realize just how much wedding DIY crap that I have to do. Bleh.
Last night was Ryan's company holiday party. It was really fun. I took pictures using my brand spankin' new camera! Thank goodness for service warranties from Best Buy. The shutter lense thing on my old Canon was not opening anymore and rather than me having to wait for them to 'look into it', they just told me to go pick out a similar model. So this is my new toy. She's perty. She is a Blue PowerShot 8.0 MP Digital Elph. Oh Canon, how I love thee. =)
And since I have a new camera, that means I have a new camera cord! So pics from Thanksgiving and the holiday party will be posted shortly. (i.e. tonight or tomorrow)
Posted by Princess Selina at 8:10 PM 2 comments
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Looks like I got tagged for this fun little survey by the extremely entertaining Kate of Elefantitas Alegres. Everyone should check out her blog. Hours of entertainment is to be had!
Rules for this game:
1. Link to the person that tagged you
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself
4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs
5. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
6. Let your tagger know when your entry is up.
So did you know...
Uno. I can not leave the house w/o eye makeup. I don't know what it is. I have to have my liquid black eyeliner and fun color eye shadow before anything fun will be done outside the house. Granted, there are the random Wal-martin' times that I just don't give a f** but that doesn't really happen all that often. Besides the fact that I'm such a girl and LOOOOOOOVE makeup.
Dos. I always double check that I locked my car. Like press the button 5 zillion times. I'm totally OCD about it. Of all things, it's that I'm most paranoid about. Not locking the house or turning off the stove but whether or not I locked my damn car. Not like I keep anything in there either!
Tres. Right now, I'm completely addicted to Myspace, Facebook, and stalking ppls blogs. Oh, and the Knot. Being unemployed as left me with looooooots of time on my hands. And what better way to spend it than wasting time online. I have also become an avid Knottie Bio stalker to try to get ideas for the wedding. It's so sad. I should really find a hobby.
Cuartro. Totally random but I can not stand when I wear my hair down and it's not straight. I have pretty straight hair usually but I'll still run it through the straightner. I'm not talented enough with a curling iron yet to do that sorta thing on a regular basis. Takes me like an hour to curl my hair. I fail on that aspect in GirlLand.
Cinco. I loooooooooooove sushi. Which is crazy because I used to totally haaaaaaaaate it with a passion. But thanks to the gorgeous Linda, I have discovered one of my new favorite things. For Linda's birthday, she wanted to have dinner at Kenobe. While I was apprehensive at first, I still went. OMG. FANTASTIC! Now for special occasions that Ryan and I had before the joblessness, I wanted to go to Kenobe. So I discovered something new about myself. Thanks Linda!
Seis. I talk to my little dog like he's a real person. (wait, he isn't?) Ratchet for the most part understands what I tell him. Dakota on the other hand, really has no idea what the hell is going on. But she's still young so she's got time to learn. Ratchet knows what's going on and usually attempt to answer back, incessantly if you let him. He's a talker.
There is probably a TON more stuff about me that I'm not remembering. haha. But until the next tag, YOU guys are IT! I know, I know, the rules say to tag 6 ppl but I don't know how many ppl actually read this and I don't have that many ppl on my blog role. =( That makes me a sad Princess. Anywho, go forth and TAG!
-Ryan from PlanetD21 (is that the same as Mars?) =) Te amo!
-Linda i.e. my wife...haha
-Jill from Confessions of an Enginerd <--she is such a badass =)
-Kelly from Kelly and Her Little Dog Too <--fellow photog groupie..haha
-Vicki from Vicki Smalls <--Awesome read when I'm just sitting on my butt at home
Posted by Princess Selina at 10:32 PM 1 comments
Labels: Tagged
Record Time
OMG I just got a call from Alfred Angelo that my wedding dress is in ALREADY!!!!! That's gotta be record time or something! I knew that it wasn't going to take as long as it usually would since I ordered it in the off season but damn, this makes me want to just get all my crap from AA. Mad props to Alfred Angelo! But now this means that I gotta get my ass in gear to get shoes and veil and blah blah blah. EEEK! But it does make me want to be more productive on the wedding front. Ryan started on our website yesterday and it looks good so far. Once it's more done, I'll post the link.
So I have been searching non-stop for awesome hot pink heels for my dress. Unfortunetly, NOTHING is to my liking. I love me some 4" stillettos but that will def. not work for the wedding day. I would really love to be able to walk by the end of the night. Does anyone have an recommendations for really cute shoes that won't break the bank? I've seen some awesome Betsey Johnson ones but I don't really think I can justify spending $300 on much as I would like to. =)
Posted by Princess Selina at 2:49 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
What to wear?
So Ryan and I have engagement pics on December 14th! YAY! But what is not so yay, is that I have no idea what to wear. I'm assuming that it's going to be a little cold....that said, I'll probably just wear jeans, boots and a sweater. I know that clothing changes are common for e-pics but I have no idea what to wear for 1 outfit, let alone 2 or 3. Anyone know any good places to find cheap pretty sweaters? I know I want to wear solid colors and I'm thinking of wearing hot pink, burnt orange and brown. I really don't want to venture to the Co-Op for the burnt orange but if it must be done, then it will be. Oh, reason for the burnt orange (since it's not a wedding color) is b/c Ryan and I are taking pics on campus. yay! Texas! Texas! Yeehaw!
Backtracking, Thanksgiving was great this year. We had Thanksgiving lunch at our house and my parents & brothers came over. It was awesome. Then we proceeded to nap in the afternoon and then finally head to my parents house to watch the UT vs A&M game. It was a good day. Then on Friday, we peaced outta Austin and headed to Big Dub (aka Waelder, TX). Don't ask where it is b/c I seriously doubt you could find it on a map. Population < 1000. Enough said. But it was so great going out there. Saw Ryan's family, random cousins and his brother's baby! Damn that kid is getting soooo big. I can't believe he'll be a year in January. I'll post pics asap. They are just being help hostage on 2 different cameras and I have no idea where the camera cords are. Go me.
Posted by Princess Selina at 8:55 AM 0 comments