When is my wedding

Thursday, July 23, 2009

T.I. Had It Right

**If your day was peachy keen & filled with rainbows & unicorns today, I wouldn't read this, it's got some anger up in here**

So I haven't blogged in awhile. I didn't want to force it. BUT this week has been quite eventful. Work has been productive. I guess. I still can't see the actual top of my desk because there is still so much paperwork on it, but eh, whatev.

You. Don't. Know. Me. That should be my theme song. One thing that I have come to encounter more so this week is people who are assuming that they know more than, or just plain know me. If that is one thing that annoys the shit out of me is someone who thinks we are tight like that. I don't know you really, you sure as hell don't know me. I work in customer service. I'm SUPPOSE to be nice. And most of the time, I genuinely am nice to everyone and I want to help. But if you call me and bitch about how it's bullshit that you are getting charged this or that fee, then you should think before you talk. It's in the contract. You violated it. Hence, FEE! Is that really hard? And you really want to push me? I know of at least 10 other violations of that contract. I have no problem sending you charges everyday for them. So there.

This is also the case for other things....I am very in your face, very confrontational, very emotional.....WHEN NEEDED! Sure, it is fun making people cry, but if I did it all the time, it wouldn't be fun anymore!! I would love to tell certain people that I think they are stupid, need to grow up, form their own opinion, put on their adult underroo's and make their own effin decisions. Don't ask for my advice on shit if you aren't going to take it. It defeats the purpose and wastes my time.

Which leads me to one of my favorite quotes. Not sure where I first saw it..high school maybe? I don't even know who said it but I love it none the less.

"Smile, it makes people wonder what you are up to..." (or in my case, it should make them wonder if I'm pointing and laughing at them on the inside)

Selina's Signature


Trish Finfer said...

All I can say to this is, "Amen, sista!"

MadJax said...

You've been given the Honest Scrap Award.

Check out my blog for the skinny. :)